Living & 学习社区


The 生活和学习社区 (LLCs) are first year programs that combine academic learning, 住宅生活, 以及实践经验. Our LLC students can expect to contribute to an intentionally designed residential community and participate in a credit-baring academic course on a specific topic together. LLCs are ideal communities for students who are interested in living with other students passionate about a specific topical area and learning together in the academic space.

通过撤退, 与教职员工单独相处的时间, 引人入胜的演讲嘉宾, 以及与更大的社区建立有意义的联系的机会, 这些项目可以加深你的学习,建立持久的友谊.



我想知道有限责任公司的情况? Check out our updates and Instagram to see what our students are up to!

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    Follow us to check out current programs, department updates, and what our LLC students are up to!


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    We are still accepting and reviewing LLC applications on a rolling basis until all LLC slots are filled! We encourage for you to apply as soon as possible to be considered for any remaining spots. 



Every quarter, LLC students take seminar classes that relate to that theme. These classes are taught by DU professors and credits from these courses can be applied to relevant minors or certificates. Each LLC has a Faculty Director and a Program Coordinator who is passionate about providing a co-curricular experience that will heighten the LLC student’s first-year experience. 我们的课程包括协作学习环境, 基于项目的学习, 演讲嘉宾, field trips, 一夜之间倒退, 以及与大丹佛社区的接触.

Female-presenting individual lifting up and hugging female-presenting individual


You'll live alongside a floor of students with similar interests and diverse experiences. 敬业的员工和教师支持和关心你的成功. This allows connecting to others during your transition to DU easier as you have several opportunities to get to know your peers. It's a great way to meet like-minded Pioneers and get a head start on your academic path.

除了, specific LLC and all-LLC events will be facilitated throughout the year for intentional learning as well as to connect with other LLC students. Below are examples of our all-LLC events to promote strong community connections:

  • 秋季学期:秋季静修和秋季电影之夜
  • 冬季:冬季社区变革者演讲之夜
  • 春季节:春季庆典

Your Future

接触新思想,拓宽你的世界观. Intentional co-curricular activities and events are designed that relate to the topic of the LLC to enhance the learning experience. 有限责任公司会帮你找到研究的机会, internships, 学生组织和俱乐部, 和未来的职业关系来实现你的梦想.


  • 内置支持社区 
  • 为你在杜克大学的时间制定一个有计划的行动计划
  • 专门的老师 & 学院主任和项目协调员等工作人员
  • 网络的机会
  • 一生的友谊
  • 让你体验丹佛及其他地方的活动
  • 校外撤退






Work together to ensure mental health for all - both locally and globally.  



Engage individuals and communities to promote comprehensive, holistic health and wellness.






Take action to become a powerful social change agent in your communities. 






  • 如何申请及申请程序?

    为了被考虑进入有限责任公司项目,你必须提交一份申请. The application includes two short essay questions for each LLC you are interested in joining. 例如, if you are interested in joining either the 社会变革 and 健康促进 LLC, 你可以申请被两个社区考虑. 你对每个问题的回答必须至少150个单词. 问题是:

    • 描述你为什么对[这个有限责任公司问题]感兴趣. 至少给出一个例子来说明你的兴趣.
    • Describe why you think it's important for students to learn about and work on [this LLC issue] together.

    您可以访问该应用程序 here. 无其他正式文件, 推荐信, 我们的申请过程需要面试. 

  • 我可否申请多个有限责任公司?

    YES! 我们鼓励这样做,这样你被录取的可能性就会更高. 请申请所有你感兴趣的课程!

  • 我是否需要额外付费才能加入生活和学习社区?

    No! 这个项目是免费的,可以为你的大学经历增加价值.

  • 要申请有限责任公司,我必须学某个专业吗?

    No! 每个社区都欢迎所有专业的学生,包括尚未决定的学生.

  • 我的有限责任公司学分适用于主修课程还是辅修课程?

    大多数有限责任公司学分可以适用于相应的未成年人. 然而,获得辅修是可选的. 这些学分也可以用于毕业所需的选修学分.

  • 住房过程是什么?

    如果你被录取了,你需要正式递交 申请住房 and the LLC office will then work with Housing and Residential Education to place you in your designated residence hall. It is important to complete your housing application as this helps the LLC office and Housing and Residential Education on the LLC housing process. 

    We recommend getting your housing application completed once you have accepted your LLC spot.

  • 我该如何申请或寻找室友?

    MG线上电子游戏室友流程, your roommate will need to be another LLC student from your specific LLC (e.g.、环境可持续性、全球心理健康等). The LLC office will reach out to admitted LLC students and provide contact information of other LLC students to be able to reach out to each other about being a roommate pairing. The LLC office will ask admitted LLC students if they have a roommate request and will work with Housing and Residential Education on the roommate pairings. 

    You are able to complete your housing application before submitting your roommate request to the LLC office. 

  • 加入有限责任公司的时间和要求是什么?

    Every LLC requires your enrollment in a 2-credit hour weekly class each quarter. 除了, you are expected to participate in community-engaged learning and formal events throughout the quarter related to your LLC theme. 这包括每季度参加一次有限责任公司的活动. You'll of course enjoy the spontaneous friendships and activities that emerge on the floor, 给你的社交网络增加了很多机会. 

  • 有限责任公司在第一年之后还会继续经营吗?

    第一年以后没有必修课程! If you are interested being involved in our program past the first year, please reach out to We are always wanting alumni to connect with the new cohorts during retreats and LLC events to further develop cross-connections.

  • Do you have to be an international student to join the living and learning community?

    No. Some of the students may be international, but many are from the United States. This community encourages anyone interested in exploring different cultures and international issues to apply.

  • 我可以同时参加有限责任公司和PLP计划吗?

    No. Both LLCs and PLP have a living requirement, so you can enroll in only one. 欢迎您同时申请两份工作,并决定哪一份最适合您!

  • 我可以参加荣誉课程和有限责任公司吗?

    Yes! 荣誉课程有一个可选的社区生活空间. If you are in both, you will be required to live on the floor with the LLC.



The Office of Undergraduate Admission offers a variety of ways to visit campus, including in-person admitted student visits and virtual open house days. Click here to learn more about Admissions offerings and to register to visit DU's campus! 

生活和学习社区参加了2023年 虚拟开放日. Please click here 观看去年虚拟开放日的有限责任公司网络研讨会. 

我们期待与您见面! 如果有任何问题,请不要犹豫,联系LLCs@du.Edu或安排个人预约.



